Monday, January 31, 2022

Isolation work: 31.1.22

Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Continue to practise 6x

Here are the printable TTRs sheets, that we use in class, should you prefer use them: 


Multiply 3 numbers slides

Multiply 3 numbers video

Multiply 3 numbers worksheet


  • Today we are writing the opening paragraph of our own portal stories.
  • Remind yourself of our model text 'The Museum'.
  • Now use your boxed-up planning sheet to remind yourself of your plan. 
  • Remember to pay close attention to the key details of the paragraph. 
  • Remember our everyday toolkit features- capital letters, full stops, spellings, correct grammar and punctuation.


Today we are recording our audio onto the Audacity software. If you cannot access Audacity (free app) you could record audio onto any device and practice recording, pausing, saving, playing back and even editing if you feel confident. Today, your audio can be about anything you choose.

Could you try to listen to a podcast? See if you can identify the features of what makes a good podcast.

Maths homework

 There is a 12 times tables task set on MyMaths for you to try.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Isolation work: 28/1/22

 Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Continue to practise 6x

Here are the printable TTRs sheets, that we use in class, should you prefer use them: 


Hundredths video 

Hundredths worksheet 


  • Today we are planning our own portal stories.
  • Remind yourself of our model text 'The Museum'.
  • Now use this boxed-up planning sheet to plan your own portal story. 
  • Remember to pay close attention to the key details of each paragraph. 


Today we are continuing our new Science unit, 'States of matter'.

  • Look at this slideshow about 'Changing State'. 
  • Now, create a poster to show what you have learned - try to give labelled examples of each change e.g. solid to liquid, liquid to gas etc

Monday, January 24, 2022

Maths homework

 A MyMaths activity has been set for Year 4s on the website.

This week it is all about 7s, 8s and 9 times tables. We've done 7s and 9s in class- 8s might be more tricky- I'll be impressed to see who has a go at this activity :)

Remember TTRockstars too! The more practice you have, the easier they will become.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Isolation work - 14.1.22

Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Tenths on a number line video

Tenths on a number line worksheet



Today we are continuing our new Science unit, 'States of matter'.

  • Look at this slideshow about 'Gases'. 
  • Now, create a poster about 'Fizzy Drinks' - include information such as: What are the bubbles in fizzy drinks made of? Who invented the first fizzy drink? How are fizzy drinks made? 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Isolation work - 13.1.22

Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Tenths on a place value grid video

Tenths on a place value grid worksheet


  • Read our model text 'The Museum'.
  • Talk about any words you like and why you like them.
  • Now, complete this 'Never heard the word' grid: tick the box that shows how you feel about the word and then find a definition for each of the words.
  • Are there any synonyms that could be used in this word’s stead?


Isolating at home can make it tricky to do exercise, give these indoor games a go to keep moving! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Isolation work 12.1.22

Only to be completed if you feel well enough 


How can you change the atmosphere of your story using just alterations to the words but keeping the sentence structure the same?

Here is a sentence from our model text-

·       A scarab beetle caught her attention: glittering wings flickered in the light; greens and blues shimmered like an iridescent gemstone and elongated feelers stretched towards her.

Here is an example of how altering just individual words can change the entire meaning and atmosphere:

·       A saxon spear caught his attention: a shining spike glittered in the light; silvers and golds glimmered like an iridescent jewel and a wooden handle stretched towards him.

Have a go at altering some of the words in the sentence to see how much you can change the meaning whilst keeping the sentence structure the same.

Now try with this sentence:

Huge, sand-coloured pyramids jutted upwards; white birds circled above, calling; a vast river oozed by and tall palm trees lined its edge.


Flashback 4 (Week 2 day 3)

Order numbers slides

Order numbers work


Our new topic is Achievements of the earliest civilisations- Ancient Egypt! Have a look at the slides below and see if you can draw and label a timeline to show the reign of Tutankhamun.

Tutankhamun slides

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Isolation work 11.1.22

Only to be completed if you feel well enough.


Adding ed slides

Adding ed work

Make sure not to look at the answers before you have a go!


Flashback 4 (Week 2 Day 2)

Comparing 4-digit numbers slides

Comparing 4-digit numbers work


Read the information in the link below and complete the attached worksheet.

RE- Diwali

Monday, January 10, 2022

Isolation work

 Please complete only if you feel well enough


Look at this picture:

 If you were to discuss the object in this picture in relation to who is holding it it should be written as The boy’s cake. 

As you can see, the apostrophe goes after the noun boy and before the s to show possession- the cake belongs to the boy. 

Have a go at writing the sentences for the following images using the apostrophe correctly- use the one above to remind yourself where the apostrophe goes. Don't forget our everyday toolkit of capital letters, full stops/question marks/exclamation marks and best handwriting.

If the object belongs to more than one person the apostrophe moves to the end of the plural noun. In this picture for example, the ball belongs to both girls. This should be written as The girls' ball.

Can you write a sentence about the picture below, using the apostrophe correctly?

As a challenge can you write a sentence for the below image using the apostrophe correctly?


Flashback 4 (Week 2, day 1)

Roman numerals slides

Roman numerals worksheet

Maths homework

There is a mymaths task set for this week all about Roman numerals- give it a go and let me know how you get on :) 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Isolation work - 7.1.22

Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Tenths as decimals video

Tenths as decimals worksheet


  • Read the poem, Piercing the Veil
  • What poetic features can you see? 
  • Can you highlight features such as rhyming couplets, repetition, varying line length, sudden absence of rhyme?
  • Now, why not have a go at writing a rhyming couplet of your own, for example about your favourite animal or food. 

Remember, a rhyming couplet is a pair of successive lines that rhyme. It's usually the last words at the end of each line that rhyme. They're also typically the same length and have the same rhythm.

A famous example of a rhyming couplet is:

Double, double, toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble


Today we are starting our new Science unit, 'States of matter'.
  • Look at this slideshow about the three states of matter: Solid, liquid and Gas.
  • Create a poster of the information you have learned. The pictures below may give you an idea about how you may wish to present the information. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Isolation Work - 6.1.22

 Please only complete if you feel well enough. 


Recognise tenths and hundredths video

Recognise tenths and hundredths worksheet



Watch the above video link which has several clips of portals being used in popular films.

Now, list the common features in all the stories/films you have seen – (MC has an adventure in the land, MC learns something, MC returns safely, sometimes they return to the land again, make new friends in portal etc).

Short burst writing - write a short description of a land that could be found on the other side of one of these doors. Remember to think about what you can see, hear, smell and touch.


Isolating at home can make it tricky to do exercise, give these indoor games a go to keep moving! 

Maths Homework

 Hi Puma Class! A task has been set for you on MyMaths. Y4 yours is about working with thousands, Y5 yours is about Roman Numerals. These ta...